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Consciously Speaking is your spot to listen in on guests from all walks of the mindful evolution. You'll be introduced to premiere thought leaders in conscious development while receiving insights on how to live with more integrity, work with greater passion, and lead an extraordinary life.

Feb 26, 2018

Today’s guest is Chris Cade. In 2006, Chris was in the midst of serious relationship challenges. Hoping to turn things around, he went to the “spirituality” section of the bookstore and unexpectedly found himself on the rocky road of personal transformation…

Later that year, Chris attended The Monroe Institute’s Gateway Voyage Program where he delved deep into his consciousness and returned with a new clue to follow. One trainer suggested that Chris check out "The Diamond Approach." That’s when the pieces of Chris’ life began to snap into a meaningful mosaic. He reluctantly transformed – moment by moment – into the empowering teacher he is today.

You can learn more about him at

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